
I understand how difficult it is to ask for help – it is scary, maybe you feel inadequate or overwhelmed, that is totally normal as I too have sought out professional help at different points in my life. Seeking professional help can be scary but at some point, we all need that additional support and I’m glad that you’re here. Welcome!

I have my Bachelor of Arts in psychology and received my Master’s degree in Counselling Psychology and am a Certified Canadian Counsellor through the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association. I have worked and volunteered in the social services field for 10 years in various capacities including addictions, shelter, clinical, community school and crisis services.

I strongly believe in growth, improvement and education and as such prioritize professional development in order to be the best therapist to better support you, my clients.

Get to know me: I have been married for 10 years and have a 6 year old daughter who is my heart! I love spending time with my family and friends. I strongly believe that physical health affects mental health, so I prioritize physical activity, mindfulness and self-care regularly.

A free 20 minute phone consultation is available to help you determine if I’m the right therapist for your situation. I am looking forward to hearing from you and helping you achieve your goals.

Association Details


“A Certified Grief Educator is committed to providing the highest level of grief support through education, experience, and insights into the often unacknowledged rocky terrain of grief.

Certified Grief Educators completed a certificate program designed by world-renowned grief expert, David Kessler. They bring his unique methodology, tools, and decades of experience to help people navigate the challenges of grief.”


1239 Manahan Ave
Winnipeg, MB R3T 5S8


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